Notre Dame Police Department offers crime prevention & safety tips

Author: Rob Martinez

Mc 12

As part of the Office of Campus Safety, Notre Dame Police Department work with our partners on and off campus to foster a culture of safety that allows individuals to live, study, work and visit campus in a safe environment.  Please don't hesitate to call NDPD at (574) 631-5555.  This number can be used to access both emergency and other services.  When you don't know who to call, call NDPD!

Winter and the Christmas season can be a beautiful time of year, but weather conditions and criminals can also present safety challenges.  Here are some tips to keep you warm and safe this season:

  1.  In icy and snowy conditions, drive slowly, allow plenty of stopping time and pay attention to the road and to other drivers.
  2. If you are going out of town, use an automatic timer for lighting in your home to make it appear as if someone is home. Presents displayed around your tree can be a pretty sight, but they can also be tempting to burglars.
  3. When you are out shopping, stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you, especially in parking lots.
  4. Shopping online is fast and convenient, but if you do shop online, be sure to use a secure browser. Keep your personal information private and shop with companies you know are reputable.
  5. If you are celebrating at parties, please drink responsibly and if you are using a ride share service, please make sure to check a driver’s ratings, travel with others and if you have any uneasy feelings, trust your instincts and never get into the vehicle.

Lastly, whether you are on campus or out in public, please be alert and aware. If you see something, say something by reporting any suspicious activity to your local law enforcement authorities. Be safe and have a great Christmas season!