Changes to Personal Electric Vehicle (PEV) policy

Author: NDWorks

Electric Scooters parked next to a stairway

At the request of University President Rev. John Jenkins, C.S.C., a University working group comprised of students, faculty, and staff was convened to review on-campus PEV policies and protocols and make a recommendation about our policy on PEVs going forward. As part of its work, the group reviewed data on PEV accidents and resulting injuries, examined PEV policies on other residential campuses, hosted two open listening sessions and invited written feedback from the Notre Dame community, receiving some 580 comments.

After a thorough review of the relevant facts and careful deliberation, the working group made the recommendation that the operation, storage and charging of PEVs should no longer be allowed on campus, and Fr. Jenkins has accepted the recommendation.

Effective December 17, 2023, the operation, storage, and charging of Personal Electric Vehicles (PEVs) such as e-bicycles, e-scooters, e-skateboards, e-hoverboards, and go-karts, including the batteries for these vehicles, will no longer be allowed on the University’s main campus. More information regarding temporary storage accommodations can be found here.

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Originally published by NDWorks at on December 04, 2023.