If you are unable to locate the answer to your question, please contact the Office of Emergency Management.

  1. Who is authorized to send NDAlert messages?
  2. How will I know if the NDAlert is legitimate?
  3. Can I have more than one phone number receive text messages?
  4. Should I submit my contact information even if I am located somewhere other than Main Campus?
  5. I did not receive an NDAlert even though others did. What should I do?
  6. I no longer want to receive emergency alerts. How do I opt out?
  7. How do I report an issue with NDAlert?
Who is authorized to send NDAlert messages?

NDAlert messages will be distributed by members of the Notre Dame Police Department, others in the division of Campus Safety and University Operations, and trained representatives from the Office of Public Affairs and Communication.

How will I know if the NDAlert is legitimate?

The University tests the NDAlert system at least once per semester and cleary defines the alert as a test, usually by stating "THIS IS A TEST OF THE NDALERT SYSTEM" in the message.

Any NDAlert that is not indicated as a test should be taken seriously and immediate action taken.

Text messages are sent from the following ND Alert short codes: 226787, 67283, 78015, or 77295.

If you are still unsure, view the University's current status at emergency.nd.edu.

Can I have more than one phone number receive text messages?

At this time, you may identify only one phone number for text message delivery.

Should I submit my contact information even if I am located somewhere other than Main Campus?

Yes. ND Alert will be utilized when emergencies may impact the entire Notre Dame campus community.

I did not receive an NDAlert even though others did. What should I do?

Please verify that the Registrar’s Office has your most up-to-date contact information, including your cell phone number.

Faculty and Staff:

Verify your mobile number is accurate:

  • Visit InsideND "Personal Information (NEW!)". Scroll down to “Emergency Contact” and click on the pencil icon, verify your mobile number and ensure that “ND Alert Emergency Self” is selected in the “Relationship” tab.

If your information is accurate, report a problem with ND Alert or contact the Division of Campus Safety and University Operations at (574) 631-9007 or safety@nd.edu

I no longer want to receive emergency alerts. How do I opt out?

Students may opt-out of receiving emergency text messages by following the opt-out procedures. However, students remain enrolled in the system and will continue to receive ND Alerts is other ways as long as they matriculate at the University.

Faculty & Staff:
Faculty and staff may remove their personal contact information by deleting the self-reported information in InsideND. Faculty and staff remain enrolled in the system and will continue to receive alerts via their office phone and nd.edu email address for the duration of their employment.

How do I report an issue with NDAlert?